Remailer Reliability Stats []

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Available Stats:
Cypherpunk (Type I) Mixmaster (Type II) Combined
v1 (rsa) (dsa) (cleartext) v1 V2
v2 (rsa) (dsa) (cleartext) v2

Remailers (combined list)

This is an automatically generated list of remailer reliability statistics. Please see the Legend below for interpretative data.

Stats-Version: 2.0.1
Generated: Sat 21 Dec 2024 12:40:00 GMT
Mixmaster    Latent-Hist   Latent  Uptime-Hist   Uptime  Options         Type
banana       011010110111    :23   ++++++++++++  100.0%  D R         IN1 mix
binski       000001000100    :13   ++++++++++++  100.0%  DPR GO ATLE IN9 cpunk-dsa
binski       000001010001    :17   ++++++++++++  100.0%  DPR GO ATLE IN9 mix
dizum        000000000000    :14   ++++++++++++  100.0%   PR GO ATLEUIN0 cpunk-dsa
dizum        010100010101    :19   ++++++++++++  100.0%   PR GO ATLEUIN0 mix
frannie      000000010000    :13   ++++++++++++  100.0%  DPR GO ATLE IN9 cpunk-dsa
frannie      100000000000    :10   ++++++++++++  100.0%  DPR GO ATLE IN9 mix
frell        475775334496   4:40   ++++++++++++  100.0%   PR GO ATLE IN9 cpunk-dsa
frell        637694545775   5:09   +++++++++++6   97.6%   PR GO ATLE IN9 mix
frell2       453353748346   3:29   +++++++++++8   98.7%   PR         IN9 mix
hsub         119658111112   1:10   +++++++++++9   99.7%    R GO ATLE IN1 cpunk-dsa
ipsum        100111001000    :16   ++++++++++++  100.0%  D R GO ATLE IN9 cpunk-dsa
ipsum        000000101100    :16   +++++++++++9   99.7%  D R GO ATLE IN9 mix
middleman    000000000001    :08   ++++++++++++  100.0%  DPR         IN  mix
paranoia     003133100100    :25   8+9+8+999+++   95.2%   PR GO ATLE IN  cpunk-dsa
paranoia     012212110001    :33   8+99+79+++++   95.5%   PR GO ATLE IN  mix
senshi       344354343333   3:01   ++++9+++++++   99.4%  D   G XATLEUIN2 cpunk-clear
senshi       ????????????  99:59   000000000000    0.0%  D   G XATLEUIN2 cpunk-dsa
shalo        000010101001    :18   ++++++++++++  100.0%  D R GO ATLE IN9 cpunk-dsa
shalo        001001010110    :19   ++++++++++++  100.0%  D R GO ATLE IN9 mix
slow         ??????EADCBB  20:08   ??????877466   67.5%  D R         IN1 mix
tncmm        000000000000    :07   ++++++++++++  100.0%  D R         IN  mix

Broken type-I remailer chains:
(* senshi)
(frell *)
(senshi *)

Broken type-II remailer chains:
(middleman slow)
(slow dizum)
(tncmm frell)
(tncmm frell2)


$remailer{"banana"} = "<> mix middle remix inflt50 rhop5 reord klen100";
$remailer{"binski"} = "<> cpunk max mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen2048";
$remailer{"dizum"} = "<> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen64";
$remailer{"frannie"} = "<> cpunk max mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen1024";
$remailer{"frell"} = "<> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen1024";
$remailer{"frell2"} = "<> mix remix inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen1024";
$remailer{"hsub"} = "<> cpunk max pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord klen100";
$remailer{"ipsum"} = "<> cpunk max mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord klen2048";
$remailer{"middleman"} = "<> mix middle remix inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
$remailer{"paranoia"} = "<> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
$remailer{"senshi"} = "<> cpunk middle pgp latent ek ekx esub cut hash repgp reord ext max test inflt10 rhop2 klen200";
$remailer{"shalo"} = "<> cpunk max mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord klen1024";
$remailer{"slow"} = "<> mix middle remix inflt50 rhop5 reord klen100";
$remailer{"tncmm"} = "<> mix middle remix inflt50 rhop5 reord";


The stats table shows the 12-day performance history of each remailer. Pings (test messages) are sent to each remailer and response time is measured.

Latent-Hist shows the average default response time for each day:

0less than 20 minutes
1less than 1 hour
9less than 9 hours
Aless than 12 hours
Bless than 18 hours
Cless than 24 hours
Gless than 48 hours
Hmore than 48 hours
?No responses received / No data

Latent shows the average default response time in HH:MM format.

Uptime-Hist shows the Uptime percentage (responses received divided by pings sent) for each day:

+100% (Responses were received for all pings sent)
990-99.9% (About 9 responses were received for every 10 pings)
?No pings sent / No data

Uptime shows the average Uptime percentage for 12 days.

Options shows an abbreviated form of the strings listed in the Remailer-Capabilities section above:

Dmiddle (Remailer is middleman and chains to other remailers)
Ppost (Supports news posting (Anon-Post-To or Post)
M/R/2mix/remix/remix2 (Supported Mixmaster features)
Hhybrid (Supports CPunk directives in Mix messages)
Opgponly (Requires Cypherpunk messages to be PGP encrypted)
Xext (Supports extended directive features)
Amax (Supports Max-Size, Max-Count, and Max-Date directives)
Ttest (Supports the Test-To directive)
Llatent (Supports the Latent-Time directive)
e/Eek/ekx (Supports Encrypt-Key/-3DES,-CAST directives)
Uesub (Supports the Encrypt-Subject directive)
Iinflt (Supports the Inflate directive)
Nrhop (Supports the Rand-Hop directive)
#klen - The digit indicates the maximum message size:
9Max is greater than 900K
8Max is less than 900K
1Max is less than 200K
0Max is less than 100K

Created by Echolot 2.1.9.
Last update: Sat Dec 21 12:40:00 2024.